I am using the following
rtmpdump command to download a stream:
rtmpdump -r rtmp://e1f1.simplecdn.net/play/ -y /newyankeeonline/NYW_409_Wheelbarrow -o temp2.flv
From the CLI you can repeatedly see the progress indicator - XXX.XXX kB / YY.YY sec (Z.Z%) - move forward incrementally, then skip backwords a few seconds, then start moving forward incrementally for 10-20 seconds, then skip back a few seconds, etc.
The exact timing and number of 'rewinds' varies each time resulting in a downloaded flv file that is approximately 1.5 - 3 times the stated size. Of course, when you view the file, you see the video rewind and replay correspondingly.
I am able to download the file without errors using Moyea FLV downloader so the problem doesn't seem to be with the stream per-se.
I have also tried changing the buffer (-b) using anywhere from 0 to 10000. I also played with the timeout and tried adding '-W http://www.newyankee.com/flash/mwplayer.swf' None of this helped.
Interestingly, it seemed to work just fine last week...
Any thoughts on what might be going wrong here?