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Old 09-25-2013, 01:25 AM
peterpan peterpan is offline
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Challenge Lovers...Here is one for you... (token(s) needed)

Hey Gurus,

Can you please take a look at this and see if you can "crack it" and get it to play on xbmc or vlc, for that matter!

Here is some facts about this stream:

a. the server (ip address) changes every time you open/play the channel (so regex is a must)

b. your own ip address is hex encoded in the id=xxxxx..., so that id changes based on where you play the stream from. but is "static", if your ip is static

c. the long string of numbers "ids" (after embed/ and separated by "/") in pageUrl also vary. the 1st half of the id changes only based on the channel you choose, the 2nd half (after "/"), also changes based om your own ip and the channel you're playing (I believe)

d. again, all these IDs remain static if you play the channel form the same location (i.e. your home or cafe, etc...)

e. I think this monster needs a token, maybe even 2 or 3 tokens!!!

Here is what I've captured, and you should be able to capture as well, rather easily...but good luck making it work

rtmp:// playpath=dfoxsportsptv?id=3?362e31??392e302e36?? conn=S:OK swfUrl=
pageUrl= 36/b1d5f8de4abbd899b4b2453b28c36824/650/440

So in summary, if you were to regex this stream, it looks like only the ip address needs to be regex'ed...piece of cake, right? not so I'd say... I and a buddy of mine have been working on it for a few days, and so luck It needs some token or an additional "conn=" expression, which we're not able to find

Cheers & Thank You!

Last edited by peterpan : 09-25-2013 at 02:36 AM.
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