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Old 07-21-2013, 04:47 AM
tp9ine tp9ine is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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Best way to download from YouNow?

I need to know what is the easiest way how to download all of a users' broadcasts? I'm surprised there isn't any threads on it. Anyhow...

When I go to a broadcaster's videos archive page, all of their videos are there on a single page. However, this is how it works: you must click the play button, then the background will dim as the video player opens up and starts the video (same window).

You can only have one video open at a time, because once you click the background, the video closes! Not only that but you can't click-open them in seperate windows, either.

Not very ideal for RTMPDumphelper/RTMPdump.exe, since the video has to be playing as the stream is being saved.

Also rtmpsrv.exe is wack. When I download through it, the completion percent keeps jumps up and down like 3.5%, 5.0%, then down to 3.1%, or something like that. It keeps downloading endlessly and what should only be a small download that is 10 MB comes up to several 100 MBs. If it wasn't for this wackiness, it would be great because of the fast speeds.

BTW, the site doesn't support Internet Explorer so apps like StreamTransport and others are out of the question.
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