Hi, I am trying to download streaming videos of a public commission for a university research project but I always get the same error message with rtmpdump:
RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed
The command I used is :
rtmpdump -r rtmpt://\ -a vod\ -y mp4:2012-05-22-allocution.mp4\ -f "LNX 11,2,202,291"\ -W
https://www.ceic.gouv.qc.ca/typo3con...es/player.swf\ -p
https://www.ceic.gouv.qc.ca\ -o 2012_05_22_allocution.flv
I also tried with flvstreamer; the results are somewhat better: the download starts but it stops after a few seconds
flvstreamer -r rtmpt:// -o CC_2012_05_22.flv
I am currently on xubuntu 12.20, using rtmpdump v2.4
The site I am trying to DL from :
Thank you if you can help!