I am trying to get the rtmp url of a few live broadcast to re broadcast in jw player. I have tried using URLsnooper and RTMPdump with no success. Here is an example of what i am coming up with. If anyone can help me with what i am doing wrong any help or info to point me in the right direction is greatly appreciated.
From this stream
I am getting this from rtmpdump
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://redirect.isearch.to/edge" -a "edge" -f "WIN 11,7,700,169" -W "http://player.ilive.to/player.swf" -p "http://www.ilive.to/view/40159/watch-live-Super_Mario_game_play-channel-for-free" -y "tqakryixtvsiudk" -o "tqakryixtvsiudk.flv"
I tried putting this into Jw player and receive an error
This is what I get from URLsnooper and also receive an error