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Old 04-01-2013, 03:11 AM
AwwwYeeah AwwwYeeah is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 5
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Need help downloading basketball game

I have no idea what I'm doing.

I managed (through dumb luck) to find rtmpdumphelper, and use it to archive a couple basketball game videos off of different sites. This only made me think this process was simple and painlessly easy. Well, I've come to find out that it's not exactly so. Discovering (and reading) this board hasn't helped matters much since most of what's posted here is completely over my head (drinking from the firehose right now).

Can anyone tell me if it's even possible to capture any stream on the following site:

**Sorry for not linking or typing the address out, but I figure the fewer search keywords I provide, the less likely that site's admins will find this post and implement tougher measures**

When the site loads it will show a schedule with several games listed. I'd like to find out how to collect the REPLAY video (any listed are fine for this test). This site will likely go off-line in a couple weeks and I'd like to archive a copy of a game that I failed to DVR.

I've tried using rtmpdumphelper in the same way I've successfully done already (on two other sites) and it's not working. Previously it has worked using rtmpserv (and not rtmpsuck), but I tried both on this site to no avail. It shows that it's connected to the browser (FF) and the command line window says "streaming on rtmp:..." but when I load the site and play the video, nothing happens. No errors. No piles of text I don't understand. Nothing.

I read some other threads about trying to find the actual rtmp: address of the file and some others about the possibility that the site was streaming on a different port, but I wasn't able to do much (since my grasp of this is still seriously limited). I did attempt to use SmartSniff (as I already have that program) to figure out the above, but I'm just really clueless right now.

I'd appreciate any help or if someone could just tell me if the site is on total lockdown (it's not possible).

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