hello quisera ask for help to find the token in dinozap this is the channel:
http://www.dinozap.tv/redirect/chann...tostart= true
and this is what I captured:
rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "vod" -f "WIN 11,6,602,171" -W "" -p "http://www.dinozap.tv/redirect/embedredi.php?c=111&width=720&height=440&autostart =true&tk1=O9CIxPEml6ubA9NS1nu1zKIQbfE8CMkOLiFjAZMt U8Q%3D&tk2=713dTcBcMa%2FpkgRfN3rk7lSvpCCc7pflp5e8c 5dGb7k%3D&tk3=0iw3nPPpqjzJiOxi1GkUBUlPe4h%2BspnJ%2 FuvlGtekF28%3D" -y "abonovip.eu" -o "abonovip.eu.flv"
I have been looking into the sfw with:
but can not find it anywhere token. have if you can help me learn to get the token. to avoid having to ask for them at all times. a greeting