how can I find streamming video url which protected by anti-url detector?
I have purchased some online lesson and it require to log in their site to listen these lesson and moreover,these lesson only last 6 month period. So I tried to capture them with softwares of recode or detect hidden url(Url Snooper,URL Sniffers,orbit downloader,BB flashback,Getflv and so on.) even I tried remote control software(teamviewer,logmein) but I failed to capture .As long as I listen to these lesson(open it with IE browser)It always shut suddenly down all of these capture software.and I got an black screen in teamviewer's Remote Control screen. It seems that there is anti-url/recode software detector.
Is there any ways to recode or find hidden streamming url?
I'm sorry for my weird English and Any reply would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by bshi02 : 02-06-2013 at 11:07 AM.