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Old 01-28-2013, 05:52 PM
Downloader Downloader is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 37
Downloader is on a distinguished road

How Should I Do This?

Hi guys, I need to ask your opinion on something. This weekend, I am planning on downloading a whole bunch of very large video files from Viacom's server. The videos are episodes of the show "Robot And Monster", and there are a LOT of them. I will also be downloading them in very high quality, so they will be very large files (about 250 MB each, for about 50 11 minute episodes). What I want to know is, will Viacom be able to know that I am downloading these videos? If they do figure out that their videos are open for downloading from the server, would they be able to put a stop to it? The very LAST thing I need right now is to go to download some more episodes, only to be greeted by a 403 Forbidden message, or even worse, a 404 Not Found, meaning they took down the videos entirely. Would they do this if they found out I was able to download the episodes? Would it be a better idea to get half the videos this weekend, and the other half next weekend, or all at once? I will be downloading them to my Android phone. Are there any apps or software for that platform that could possibly mask my downloading so that they can't tell I'm doing it? Please give me your thoughts and opinions on this. Thanks!
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