Okay, so, I know there's a lot of URL sniffers out there that can detect RTMPE links, but I know that none of them can get the links from every website. Does anyone know of a specific program that can get the RTMPE links from
http://media.mtvnservices.com? For example, this link:
From that link, I need to get an RTMPE that would look like this: rtmpe://viacomnickstrmfs.fplive.net/viacomnickstrm:gsp.alias/mediabus/nick.com/2012/08/06/10/52/315183/_75660_4128948_315183_20120806105053338_640x360_12 00_m30.mp4
I was thinking of trying URL Snooper, but I heard it might not work with this. Is there anyone who has it that can try it for me? Please don't tell me to just install a bunch of softwares and see which one works, becuase I don't want to put a whole bunch of software on my computer. Is there anyone who has these programs, who will try them each to see which one(s) would work for me? I DO NOT need to download the video itself, I just need to get the RTMPE link like the one shown above. Your help is greatly appreciated, Thanks Guys!!!!