Hi, I'm newbie on this and need help to download this video in HD version
-r "rtmp://cp10740.edgefcs.net/ondemand/mtvnorigin/gsp.originmusicstor/sites/mtv.com/news/2012/december/11/star_trek_rc3_1280x720_3500_h32.mp4"
I can only get the 15%-20% of it every time I try to do it like 1 million times.
Now there are several video qualitys for it and as try with a minor one I can get more of the video. This is not the firts time I have this trouble. I tryied with a different pc and internet service but always it's the same
In this case I can get the 100% of the video wiht this quality *512x288_750*
rtmp adress
the video is in
this page