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Old 11-30-2012, 01:18 AM
mandywatsn mandywatsn is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 2
mandywatsn is on a distinguished road

What does Fashion mean to you?

For me, fashion helps you specific 'yourself' and thus it must always be supported what you discover fascinating - ANd nobody else! Fashion is an expression of one's inner self and not a mirrored image of each one's expectation of what ought to be expressed. The land of true fashion could be a lion's den and you higher apprehend what you are up against before throwing yourself into the roaring dungeon of darkness! Okay, perhaps that is a little overboard however hey, you have seen the films, (the one true supply )- the style world is brutal and people's understanding and definition of fashion is even a lot of shuddery. Basically as a result of it is usually regarding what everybody else is sporting once really; folks ought to see themselves as canvases, all created for a masterpiece and WHO needs to enter a gallery wherever you'd swear the artists simply glued and derived every other? i could not even be paid to enter that gallery (okay let's be honest, i am a poor student and if the pay is sweet i will set the mood! lol simply kidding)! I think that fashion ought to be seen as one thing that represents a rhythm however the steps we elect to maneuver to the music with, ought to be our own- we must always move freely and not guaranteed to the must-have-lists. as a result of seriously, nothing is as refreshing as seeing somebody walk down the road in their own very little world of awesomeness! therefore why therefore frightened to square out, do not be a slave to what the trend pages say - and if you've got to, be impressed not numbed and brainwashed to become a 'fashslave'- completely different is good and WHO is aware of, you'll completely be walking down the road spreading your very little share of awesomeness along with your real individualism.

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