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Old 11-21-2012, 05:15 AM
Stash Rider Stash Rider is offline
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Can no longer record Stickam

Can't use rtmpdump to record unencrypted Stickam feeds anymore. My current setup is 2.3, but my results have been the same with 2.4. My capture string hasn't changed since when everything worked. The problem persists regardless of version, including custom builds.

rtmpdump -V -r rtmp:// --swfVfy -C O:1 -C NS:channel:177727041 -C O:1 --live -o "recording 20121118.flv"
The above used to work fine, but I noticed a few weeks ago that certain streams suddenly became unrecordable while other streams continued to work. Now, no streams work. Either the stream appears to be downloaded, though in reality the file will be garbage, or rtmpdump attempts to connect then fails after a while. In debug mode, I can see that the handshake occurs, the play path is found, and everything looks normal, but I get a RTMPSockBuf_Fill, recv returned -1. GetSockError(): 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) followed by ERROR: RTMP_ReadPacket, failed to read RTMP packet header. The connection then closes.

When a video file is produced, it has a few viewable frames but dies in any player including VLC. VLC reports that audio and video are undefined.

Additionally, Jaksta, which has always been able to record Stickam streams now fails anywhere from 300kb to 1MB into recording. Stickam continues to show it's downloading, but in fact the download has stalled. In most cases, I have to close Jaksta and reopen before I can try again. The video is usually viewable, but given the short length, the video is garbage.

Anyone got an idea? Nothing looks to have changed as far as retrieving channel ID and server IP from user ID. I've tried using different server IPs even with no luck. I'm thinking there's an extra command now that's missing. There's nothing wrong with my setup. I can still use rtmpdump and Jaksta for other things.
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