some problems ripping certain audio books
hi, certain audio books checked out from the library have traks that are only 1 min or so - resulting in around 90 tracks
when i rip these, i get the same track over and over after around track 50 or so,,,
the track numbers are correct (up to 90 or what ever, but the audio information is repeated from back around track 50.. .
When i play these in my little cd player, tracks 50 on up have the continuation of the book,,, but wen they are ripped, that information is not there and track 50 or what ever keeps repeating itself (same part of the book,,, but with the new track number so i never can hear the end of the cd...
CD's with tracks that are 4 min or so resulting in 20 tracks or so rip fine.. i have not been able to figure out why this is or how to work around it with CD's that had 1 min tracks.
any clues?