Hi all! I had the following problem with any version of
drmdbg (running Vista with Indiv01.key 11.0.6000.7000): it loaded the indiv01.key, it started playing one song when I clicked "Multiscan", but then it did not show anything next to the "Clear" button, it just plays the song until it ends. Only a couple of times it worked and printed the SID in that box, but I was not able to understand why it was working only a few times...
Today I tried this: fire up drmbg, attached my Portable 1Gb Mp3 Player to the USB port, tried to Syncronize one song using the Media Player window which comes up when you start drmbg, et voil?! the SID magically appeared inside the text box. The USB Mp3 player I used of course does not support DRM, so Windows Media Player complains that it just can't put my songs on that device, but as long
as you push the "Synchronize" button it gets the license from the net, Drmbg notices that and prints the SID.
If it does not work before trying to sync a song push Multiscan on drmdbg.
I hope this helps