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Old 04-11-2012, 02:44 AM
gxdata gxdata is offline
Western Wombat
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 332
gxdata is on a distinguished road

Resume problem - iView only

I have been using rtmpdump with a number of downloaders for iView, SBS, Plus!7 for 2 years, with a Belkin modem and ADSL2+

I'm familiar with the vagaries and problems of Hostworks and Akamai servers (used by ABC iView), and good / poor delivery from SBS and Plus!7 from time to time.

For more than a week, since taking delivery of an iiNet BoB2 device and adding VOIP to my ADSL2+ subscription, I have had extreme instability with ONLY ABC iView.

The downloaders I am using, and the rtmpdump version(s), have not changed in the period I'm reporting (4 April onwards).

My problem: it is extremely unusual for me to get an uninterrupted download of ANY iView show, without from 1 to 20 resumes or needing to delete what has been downloaded and start again.

If I unhook the Bob2 and use the Belkin, 99.5% + of the resume problems go away.

I have spent an hour or more with iiNet Support, and on advice I changed MTU / MRU and the protocol (PPPoE to PPPoA), even set a specific DNS, and lowered the modem's firewall protection to 'medium' - no improvement.

I've had now almost a week (6 days) of this condition, and I am 100% satisfied that it is the BoB2 + VOIP vs my old Belkin modem (with no VOIP).

And, it is for iView ONLY.

Any clues to help with this?

Remarkably, SBS downloaders work without the same problems - with the BoB2 modem and VOIP enabled. Similarly, Plus!7 downloads are smooth and swift.

It's pretty severe - eg, with the BoB2 combo in 10 minutes of frigging around I got 68Mb (55%) of a show that downloaded perfectly in 104 seconds with the Belkin modem.
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