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Old 03-29-2012, 04:54 PM
greenythebeast greenythebeast is offline
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Question regarding .flv output

I'm not even sure this is the right website to ask this question but because it has something to do with rtmpdump I thought I'd ask anyway. When I use rtmpdump to download a live stream, I get a .flv file that is unseekable. From what I understand this is normal. So in order to make it seekable I use Handbrake to convert it into a .mp4. However, during this conversion something odd happens. The original .flv file is always 15 FPS. However, the converted .mp4 file is always less FPS. Sometimes it's only a few FPS but in some cases I've seen the FPS drop to 5. For example, with one file the original .flv had over 103k frames, however, the converted .mp4 file only had around 39k frames. Where are all of these frames disappering to? In Handbrake's log I get a lot of these lines:
sync: video time didn't advance - dropped 2 frames (delta 0 ms, current 617057820, next 617078880, dur 21060)
Is this something to do with how rtmpdump creates the .flv file? Thanks for any input.
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