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Old 03-18-2012, 03:36 PM
WileyStinks WileyStinks is offline
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Removing DRM/ Converting Wiley .wdf ebook?

I recently bought a Wiley-published technical resource that came with the text of the book on a CD, with a passcode, in the .wdf (Wiley Document File) format. The book was published in 2007.

Of course, the software to read the .wdf file doesn't work on any modern computer, and googling shows it's full of spyware anyway. No thanks.

I've managed to install it on an old unused XP machine, but this is pretty much useless to me, in addition to being stupidly difficult to navigate/search to text.

I've googled to the ends of the earth, and as far as I can tell the .wdf is essentially a .pdf with fileopen copy protection, and I've tried all manner of ineptkey and ineptpdf combinations I could find, but the result is always "unexpected EOF" (after 20 min or so) whether I run it on the original .wdf or after changing the file extension to .pdf.

I also tried calibre, but that couldn't import the file at all.

Has anybody run into this before? I can't find anyone mentioning the Wiley format, but I'm hoping there's something simple here I'm missing.

Thanks in advance.
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