I am looking at the main video on this page:
It was difficult getting the URLs, because the server runs on port 80 (so I couldn't use rtmpsrv and rtmpsuck - I wish they had options to change ports), but I eventually came up with:
rtmpdump --flashVer 'LNX 11,1,102,55' --rtmp rtmp://media.err.ee:80/etvsaated/2012.02.18_-_21.35-22.45_-_Eesti_Laul_2012.mp4 --swfUrl http://eestilaul.err.ee/js/players/flowplayer/flowp.layer_bwcheck_final.swf --pageUrl http://eestilaul.err.ee/videod/245a451c-d909-4ff4-8257-eb204316ec51 --flv 2012.02.18_-_21.35-22.45_-_Eesti_Laul_2012.mp4
For some strange reason, the first time I try gives an "ERROR: RTMP_Connect1, handshake failed" error, but it works (sort of) the second time (any thoughts on that?).
The problem is, I can't get more than sixty seconds (and then it restarts without truncating the file) at a time without using the "-v" (live) option. The live option gets around that problem, but then the dump dies every time at around eleven minutes (90 MB downloaded). And (of course), resume won't work with a "live" stream (even though this one isn't really live). So is there any way I can save this stream (I am using Linux if that is not obvious)? Thank you for your help.