I can't get Justin.tv to start sending me a stream. I'm not sure if the usher token expires so fast that it's not possible to copy and paste it or if Justin.tv added another level of security to block rtmpdump.
I'm using the information from
http://usher.justin.tv/find/haxxeren...ubscripti on= to fill in the parameters for rtmpdump.
./rtmpdump --debug -r "rtmp://" -a "app" -y "jtv_kZKC9fq_yWWA5ZVo" -j "7b24f4a701025b87632811318452e398849afeb2:{"swfDomains": ["justin.tv", "jtvx.com", "xarth.com", "twitchtv.com", "twitch.tv", "newjtv.com", "jtvnw.net", "wdtinc.com", "imapweather.com", "facebook.com", "starcrafting.com"], "streamName": "jtv_kZKC9fq_yWWA5ZVo", "expiration": 1328037050.9632249, "server": "jfk01-video2-2"}" -W "http://www-cdn.jtvnw.net/widgets/live_frontpage_player.rd45ce085ba85e5ba1bd318d6073a3002923fb0af.swf" -v
And the debug output shows
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 180 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name: no-name., STRING: onStatus>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: no-name., NUMBER: 0.00>
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: Property: <Name: no-name., OBJECT>
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name: level, STRING: error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: code, STRING: NetStream.Play.Failed>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: ERR001: You must supply a valid token via NetStream.Authenticate.UsherToken>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: clientid, NUMBER: 239676361.00>
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: (object end)
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <onStatus>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, onStatus: NetStream.Play.Failed
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.Failed
DEBUG: Closing connection.