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Old 09-06-2011, 03:22 PM
sunni sunni is offline
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Calibre DRM Removal Tools no longer work with Kindle ebooks ...

I was using the Calibre plugins from version 3.4 of the tools with an earlier version of Calibre... I think it was 0.8.3. Kindle for PC was/is version version 1.3.

Everything was working fine until recently, and I have no idea why the deDRM no longer works when I import .azw files I've purchased into Calibre.

I noticed that I had a second version of Kindle for PC listed on my device page on Amazon. I have no idea why I had that and deregistered the 2nd K4PC, but it didn't make a difference. I am wondering if that had a different PID that is now somehow attached to my books or registry but the plugin is missing it.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the specific plugin for Calibre, but it still had the previous PID and still doesn't work.

The only recent changes are that I bought a Kindle, and I just upgraded Calibre to 0.3.17.

I had not imported any books into Calibre for a while, so I'm not sure whether either of those changes are responsible for my plugins no longer working.

I added my Kindle serial number to the customization with a comma after the PID and no spaces. I also tried it with a comma but with the spaces the serial number normally includes... neither worked.

I deleted all my books from my Kindle Content folder and re-download one of my purchased books to test. It still doesn't work.

I was thinking of uninstalling K4PC and reinstalling my old 1.3 version (I still have the installer) but I am afraid the old PID and any other old information will be left behind and when I reinstall I will have the same problem.

I don't know anything about Python. I'm not even sure where the K4PC exe is located. (I only found an Amazon folder in roaming, but it was empty.)

I am so frustrated by this and don't really know enough to fix it.

If I completely uninstall Calibre and reinstall my old version, will it remove the information belonging to my plugins so that when I reinstall it they will check for the PID again?

Should I uninstall and reinstall K4PC also?

I wish I knew what broke my Calibre plugin(s).
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