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Old 09-16-2007, 04:35 AM
Posts: n/a

Troubles with a Logitech Fusion webcam: problems with sound and wipe-outs in videos

Hi folks.. Newbie here..

I bought a Logitech-fusion webcam, as I was told it would record video to a certain standard.

Ok.. It does, but only 199 seconds! Not long enough to record a guitar solo!

So I got Windows Moviemaker to make the webcam record continuously.

Great so far!

Now I find that I get momentary black wipe-outs in the video and occasional bright green wipe-outs too. I think this is at the transistion of the clips.

Also, when I record, I find the webcam picks up the amplifier output and also the actual sound from the guitar, which distorts the final video sound. I have even muffled the mike, but it makes no difference.

So, how do I switch off the sound record for the Web-cam, so I can input the guitar into the PC. I need to use my amp as a sound monitor, so I don't have to wear earphones in the video. (A headset makes me look even more of a geek. ) Would I then have to synchronise the sound and the video afterwards and how would I do that?

I am going crazy trying to get this right, after 17 takes on a song I know backwards and inside out!

Thanks anyone in anticipation.

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