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Old 01-15-2012, 04:49 PM
AltairAC AltairAC is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 7
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Help with

I've been able to apply the tutorials provided here for mtv and other sites but I can't find out how to download the streams from this site:

I've tried it with wireshark, used the rtmpt filter but all I get is a bunch of "unknowns" and I couldn't locate any stream address. I've tried it with rtmp explorer but without any luck. With Get Flv I could play the stream and I could start the download but as soon as I start it, it stops automatically and no matter how often I push the resume button, it stops again and nothing but an empty file is downloaded. I tried also stream transport and got an "storage error" (the video was just loading but never started to play). The same thing happened with tubedigger. I tried to do it manually with the ff addon http watch and rtmpdump but no success either. As my last attempt I tried using pmdump + process explorer and hxd and I found some rtmp strings but no rtmp stream link or something that could be put together into a stream link...

Here is an example video:
It is free but you need to log in to watch it. If somebody is willing to help I can give you my username and password and I would be very grateful!

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