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Old 09-10-2007, 07:59 PM
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Richard and his wife saving your site

Hello guys ! This is Richard again ,
Im here again to help you solve the comment spam problem ,I got tons of emails and wasnt able to help all of you but Ill do my best. I am a very nice guy actually, and I want to save the internet world! As I told you I know a lot of spammers because my wife Dosia and I work at a large link spam company.When I saw the blogs , guestbooks and forums full of spammy links I was shocked! I wanted to stop this pest,and I know there is a note book in the office where these techniques are kept secret.Im trying hard to find this secret book.As soon as I find it Ill tell you guys how to prevent the spam comments.Im in danger now guys because my boss will spank me hard for this if he finds out I want to ruin his business!I feel very guilty because these people gave a job for us and we are ruining their business.I know they have a website and they look for links thats why i asked you for a link to their site for me not to feel so guilty and do something good for them too.My wife and I will probably be fired But we are r
eady for this to save you. Thank you guys, dont worry,Ill help all of you.Please believe me and our dream will come true.

From Richard and Dosia with love. icq 454 528 835
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