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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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Old 12-16-2011, 09:08 PM
Belmont Belmont is offline
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FairUse4Wm DRM removal problem with the latest IBX

Hi! I'm new here. I tried to use FairUse4Wm to remove DRM from wmv movies but I ran into a problem and I hope I can find a solution here with the help from you guys.

Here is the situation:
I ordered some movies from a site. The site requires WMP11 and the updated security component to be able to issue the DRM license to my local HDD. So I install WMP11 (version: 11.0.5721.5262) and use the following link to update the security component:
I guess the security component is what you guys called 'induvidualizing the system' (to get the latest IBX?)
Now I can get the DRM license and play the movie on my computer. But when I tried to remove drm with FairUse4Wm, it says 'IBX Components do not appear to be present'. I rolled back to WMP10, I can still play the movie but I still run into the same problem with FairUse4Wm. I followed the above link and updated my security component with WMP10, but when I tried FairUse4Wm, I still got the same error. Is there any way out?

BTW: I got some files from a friend and put these files into the DRM folder (see files below).

Now I can load the key with FairUse4Wm, but I found another problem: when I tried to remove DRM with FairUse4Wm, it says the file requires a different key (but the key is already loaded by FairUse4Wm), any idea why this is happening? (Maybe the files from my friend does not match the DRM key of my movie so even though FairUse4Wm can recognise the key it can't remove the drm?)

Last edited by Belmont : 12-16-2011 at 09:53 PM.
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