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Old 12-11-2011, 12:10 AM
drfsupercenter drfsupercenter is offline
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Anyone with a Working Low-IBX?

So, I'm surprised I haven't asked this in here before.

Does anybody still have Windows XP with a working "low IBX" version such that FairUse4WM will work? Assuming you never updated Zune or such software, it should still work and allow you to play Windows Media DRM files and decrypt them.

I use VMWare for decrypting my files, since I run Windows 7 normally. If you have it in a virtual machine, it shouldn't be too hard to just zip up (or make a RAR, whatever) the file with the virtual hard drive and upload it for all of us to use in decrypting our files.

If you have XP installed on a physical hard drive, there's a way to convert your installation to a VMWare image, which I could help with.

I have a working Windows 2000 with WMP9 that I can share if anybody wants it. The problem is that some programs INSIST on WMP11, whether the IBX version is high or not... and obviously that won't work on Windows 2000. Sadly no XP installation as I've had this Windows 2000 VM since before they shut down the "legacy" individualization servers.

Stream Recorder (as in, admin of this site), do you happen to have anything that can be of use? Seeing as how you're knowledgeable about all this stuff I'd hope you still have a working solution
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