How to programmatically extract RTMP urls?
Hi, I'd like to write a small tool to extract RTMP urls, because I need to add some functionality that other programs don't have.
Currently I'm checking the raw network traffic and I can see the RTMP urls (sometimes only half of the urls), but for every website it's different.
For one website it looks like this in the raw data: "Subscribe.swf??serverIP=rtmp://....."
An other website looks like this in the raw data: "Playing and resetting rtmp://....."
This way it's impossible to properly extract the RTMP urls. Applications like Coojah6, Replay Media Catcher and StreamTransport can always find the correct RTMP urls. They can even find flashVer, tcUrl and swfUrl, so there must be a standard/proper way of extracting the RTMP urls from the raw data when the video starts playing.
Does anybody know how this is done? What are these appplications exactly looking for?