What's the best streaming media player/external hard drive/home media server
Hello and I hope somebody can help me. I am looking for a sort of multi service media player/storage for home use. I don't mind paying a higher price if I'm going to get what I want/need, something that is easily upgradable with a new disk drive/processor etc... in a few years time. I might be easier if I list my needs, If anyone knows of something or can recommend something, please do let me know.
Thanks in advance. Chris
• A stand alone machine/OS
• Wireless (but can/will be directly connected to the router is 300mb)
• Large memory 3TB+
• Quick streaming speed/decent processor
• An External hard drive, easily accessed by all laptops/PC's in the house for both long & Short term storage of images, movies, music, general files.
• A HD media player/streamer to the TV's in the house I guess additional hardware will be required for the TV's . If this is not possible it the another piece of technology that would plug in to this box and then be streamed to the rest of the house... AND, yes another and... be streaming two different movies to two different TV's simultaneously, (would be great if it would link in with the Sky box).
• Music - stream to all laptops (built in player would be a bonus but not essential)
• Compatible with both Android and iPhone's (uploading/downloading)