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Old 08-09-2011, 02:24 PM
Stream Recorder
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How to convert PDF files to read on a small screen (5-6-7 inch ereader screen)

Briss - is a free open source program. It is a simple cross-platform application for cropping PDF files. A simple user interface lets you define exactly the crop-region by fitting a rectangle on the visually overlaid pages.

Briss does not require installation. It runs on any machine that has java. To use it simply download the archive and unpack the folder, then run the briss-***.jar file.

The reason that you need a program like Briss for converting PDF files for reading on a 5-6-7 inch screen is that it allows you to cut out the top and the bottom of PDF ebooks that contain book titles, authors, page numbers.

Also Briss features a desctructive crop, allowing you to reduce margins of the PDF files.

How to crop PDF files with Briss:
  1. Run Briss
  2. Select "Load File" and navigate to the PDF you want to crop.
  3. For simple PDFs like ebooks, Briss will usually create an image cluster for odd pages and another cluster for even pages.
  4. Draw a rectangular around the area of the text (click the left mouse button, and drag the mouse while holding the left button).
  5. If you're not satisfied with the selected area, make the right mouse click. Then repeat the previous step.
  6. After selecting the area hit the "Crop PDF" button.
  7. The program will automatically create a new PDF file adding the "cropped" to the filename.
  8. Open the cropped PDF file with your favorite PDF viewer to make sure you have cropped the PDF file properly.

After cropping your PDF file, just transfer it onto your eBook Reader.

You can also conver PDF files after cropping using ebook conversion software like freeware Calibre. Just drag-n-drop your PDF file onto Calibre, then select the ebook(s) you want to convert, hit the "Convert ebooks" button. Select Mobi for Kindle, select ePub for Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo Reader.
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