hello, dunno if it's the right section, but having a bit of a trouble setting up a RTMP player inside HTML, i've tried RTMP Streaming Player BLUE 2.0, it worked with one of the links, but with that's it. tried it with other and did not operate, unless there are different syntaxes for diferent sets of links.
an example:
i have the following link:
rtmp://<playpath>sicnoticias <swfUrl>http://www.tvdez.com/player6.swf <pageUrl>http://www.tvdez.com/sicnoticias
in the player, editing
<meta base="rtmp://" />
width="320" height="240" />
and it plays properly
but when i try it, for example with the same config with this link:
rtmp://<playpath>chupaboi <swfUrl>http://www.veemi.com/player/player-licensed.swf <pageUrl>http://www.veemi.com/embed.php?v=chupaboi&vw=650px;left:-650px;&vh=500&domain=www.livescorehunter.com
i can't get it play with the same syntax. any help?