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Old 08-04-2011, 03:15 PM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 115
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Successful download of RTMPE Handshake 9 stream using RTMPdump v2.4, 2011-07-23 build

I successfully downloaded an RTMPE stream that uses the new handshake 9 protocol, using the latest build of RTMPdump (v2.4, 2011-07-23 build), from the ITV Player in the UK. I also am in the UK.

The older build, RTMPdump v2.1d, gives the error "Type mismatch: client sent 6, server answered 9". FLVstreamer has no support for downloading an RTMPE stream.


I downloaded RTMPDUMP.EXE (RTMPdump v2.4, 2011-07-23 build) from -

Details of RTMPE Stream

The RTMPE stream is an on-demand stream from the ITV Player, a catch-up service on the ITV website for digital station ITV3 -

This is the URL address of the page, an episode of the television series 'Jeeves and Wooster' -

This is the XML file which contains the RTMPE link (this file was in my 'Temporary Internet Files' folder once I started the episode playing by opening the above page) -

This command succeeded in a .BAT batch file -

rtmpdump --protocol 2 --host "" -a "ondemand?auth=eaEcPdUdjd3cOdab2a.aNdDbGcydscZdwaF dQdTcVagamaIcjcFcbdIahcJcaacbhaA-booA7k-eS-5As4LDslvuwq&aifp=v002&slist=production/" -y "mp4:production/CATCHUP/109044dc/bd20/471b/8154/9ec39c4cd2ad/1-8013-0010-002_JEEVES-AND-WOOSTER-(SERIES-2)_TX010811_ITV800_4X3.MP4" -o output.flv --verbose --resume

Procedure -

a. Play the target video in ITV Player using Internet Explorer.

b. Retrieve the file PlaylistService.xml (size 19KB) from this folder -
C:\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
c. Copy the RTMPE instruction and the 800 kbps playpath from that .xml file and paste them into the .BAT batch file, to populate the -a and -y commands.

d. Will need to include the --resume command, as will usually have to repeat steps a to c several times to get the complete file. Save a copy of output.flv to another folder each time, so can start from where left off if a resume attempt corrupts the output file, which sometimes happens.

Continued in next post...
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