BBC iPlayer - A service that lets you catch up with radio and television Programmes from the past week of BBC. BBC iPlayer use Microsoft's "Play for Sure" DRM system as copyright protection, thus the Programmes are downloaded, they will self destruct after 30 days because it is 'DRM License protected'. And once played you have up to seven days to finish watching the program. BBC Content will be automatically deleted from your computer once its expiry date has been reached. If you are outside the UK and connected to the internet you can only listen live and listen again to most of our radio Programmes.
How to remove DRM from Downloaded BBC iPlayer Programmes
You can remove DRM protection from BBC iPlayer files using freeware lossless
FairUse4WM or by
recording from screen. See also:
Four ways to remove DRM from WMV and WMA (Windows Media video and audio files)