Originally Posted by evol
Ive found this quite common with some live streams with VLC they take quite a lot of time load/buffer/play. But i see from you screenshot you also have SMPlayer which is a frontend GUI of Mplayer so pipe it out to mplayer.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://npsaflivefs.fplive.net:1935/npsaflive-live/" -a "npsaflive-live/" -f "WIN 10,3,181,14" -W "http://media-player.cdn.level3.net/flash/v1_1_1/Level3MediaPlayer.swf" -p "http://www.windowsintowonderland.org/live/live3.htm" --live -y "stream50" | C:\Program Files\SMPlayer\MPlayer\mplayer.exe -cache 8192 -
Sorry if thats the wrong location for SMPlayer.
thanks, i certainly have tried other programs too! are you sure about the -cache?
smplayer seems to be choking on that (and doesn't work with it removed either)