I have been trying a couple of the different approaches that I have found here to no avail.
info of note: running Windows 7( 64bit), downloaded and installed Python 2.6(inserted into path, and accessible by CMD), able to get all the books in question into
Calibre v0.8.4,
Kindle for PC (K4PC) v1.4.1 downloaded and unpacked: eBookUtility0.6a, DRM tools_v3.8a
on the lines of the approach in:
I was unable to locate unswindle.pyw
for the approach in:
I do not have a kindle device, and could not locate the PID information in the books themselves, or the K4PC application
and on the rout of
it seems as though the plugins are not doing anything, and I am getting the same result as before I implemented them. (on the import screen the ebooks in question have a padlock on their image)
any help would be appreciated as this is getting almost as frustrating as the DRMs themselves