apumpkinpatch.com - Looking for feedback on my video chatting website
I've been building this over the past month and I'm really excited to get some feedback on the site!
I've built several components for the site, a random anonymous video chat, random video chat with Facebook connect, text only random chat, audio on chat...and I have a lot more planned on the horizon. I'm just afraid if i build too much content for the site now since its so new i might be spreading the limited amount of users around too much.
Anyway, it's at apumpkinpatch.com and feedback on the site would really be so helpful!
I'm almost done the android and iOS apps which I really hope will be the key to get some more people using the site!
Thanks for checking it out!
also, if you like the site it would be really really awesome if you would click the "like" button at the bottom of the page on the site. A site like this only really works if there are people on it and even the smallest type of promotions will help immensely this early on in the project!