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Old 04-15-2011, 05:01 PM
ILove2RecordSomething ILove2RecordSomething is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 4
ILove2RecordSomething is on a distinguished road

Keep this site running well - html coding

I'm hoping this public post will be well received.

I've been online where my browser slows and gets
sluggish at some sites. I began to check into why
and find that they don't conform to W3C

specifications for html pages. Yep. there are specifications for html. And when they're followed
your browser, any browser, should work well.

I remember, years ago, when trying to find the photos
of a friend's website I could see them using IE but not with another browser. That's when I began to understand the importance of doing things so they
would work no matter who watched them.

This site is good compared to others.
You can verify any page using W3C's validator.

If you use Opera it's as simple as typing W3 in front of any URL to test it. (1)

I encourage you to test pages that don't work well, for you, and write to the site's managers. They in turn will, hopefully, fix and improve the performance.

A web site doesn't have to be ugly to conform to W3C standards. See the
BBC's page (below) which is tested daily by W3C for use in the ... chart.

See the list of sites check, daily, by Wikipedia for their validation score
The chart is 3/4 down the page:

Here's the list of W3C members. Some are the largest on the web.

For this site I really look forward to using it and am
glad the number of bad programming errors is low.


(1) this has to be set and any letters, W3, or xyz, can be used to shortcut it.

Last edited by ILove2RecordSomething : 04-15-2011 at 05:07 PM. Reason: add information
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