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Old 05-01-2006, 11:20 AM
Posts: n/a

Download RealVideo stream to .rm file and print photo from it

I have a particularly thorny issue and I was wondering if anyone could help me with it.

Well, I've tracked down the video on the masters website. It plays in real format and I am a complete noob when it comes to streaming recorder software, much less formats, drm (the encryption stuff) and what exactly I would be able to do with the file even if i could capture it.

So, I am first going to provide a link to the video its just a one minute clip of Tiger Woods hitting an AMAZING golf shot.


I hope the link works

Anyway, here is my goal, first, I'm hoping to A: be able to capture this video in as high a quality as possible

B: my ultimate objective is to be able to blow up the data and turn it into a very high quality still photo.

Do you have any suggestions? What type of file is it? When I try to record it using either pro or realtime i get errors. If i try to url it and have rm record it tries to connect then stops. Will RM be able to record this directly or does it utilize the DRM technology.

What type of file is it? Is the resolution too small to hope that it can be blown up in good enough quality to frame as a still? Any help would be very appreciated. If you have any questions or any input please do not hesitate.
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