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View Poll Results: Which tool saves streaming videos best? (by capturing/downloading/ripping/recording)
[CJB] CooJah + Blader 10 4.61%
[GFLV] GetFLV / Terry's Hulu Downloader 18 8.29%
[HiD] HiDownload 7 3.23%
[NXF] NetXfer / NetTransport 4 1.84%
[POB] Portable Offline Browser / [OEP] Offline Explorer Pro 3 1.38%
[RAV] Replay A/V 2 0.92%
[RCS] Replay Capture Suite 8 3.69%
[RMC3] Replay Media Catcher 3.11 (discont'd) 14 6.45%
[RMC4] Replay Media Catcher 4 / Jaksta 4 Plus 47 21.66%
[ST] StreamTransport / YouTube FLV Downloader 11 5.07%
[TD] TubeDigger 11 5.07%
[VLC] videolan client media player 6 2.76%
[WMD] WM Downloader ( 1 0.46%
[WMR] WM Recorder 6 2.76%
[WVC] WebVideoCap 1 0.46%
[IDM] Internet Download Manager 4 1.84%
[VDH] mig's Video DownloadHelper (+ FlashGot) 10 4.61%
RTMPDump (incl. rtmpsusk, RTMP Explorer, get-flash-video, ..) 41 18.89%
MPlayer 3 1.38%
Rip Tiger 0 0%
Bit Recorder 0 0%
Tunebite 1 0.46%
aTubeCatcher 1 0.46%
GetAsfStream 0 0%
generic screen video capture software (screen recorders) 4 1.84%
general downloaders (Orbit, FlashGet, or others ..) 4 1.84%
Voters: 217. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-16-2005, 12:19 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

The best video stream recorder, stream downloader, stream ripper, stream capture soft

  • Replay Media Catcher is one of the best streaming audio/video downloaders. It can download flash .FLV video and .MP3 audio streams played by Adobe Flash Player. It supports HTTP and RTMP protocols.

    Replay Media Catcher can download/rip flash video streams. It can also download/rip MP3 music streams from Pandora,, , Radio Blog Club, Finetune, IMEEM. Replay Media Catcher features AUTOMATIC naming – it can figure out the names of most captured .MP3 song files and .FLV videos from the POPULAR web sites.

    Also Replay Media Catcher uses SPECIAL technology that allows you to split songs, tag them with the artist and song title automatically. With Replay Media Catcher you can download / rip / save PERFECT reproductions of MP3 songs from web-sites like Pandora,, FineTune!

    Besides flash video and MP3 audio streams, Replay Media Catcher can download / rip some Windows Media, Real Audio/Video streams.

    Plus you can upgrade to Replay Capture Suite or just buy Replay Media Catcher as a part of it.

    Replay Capture Suite includes the following software:
    • Replay Media Catcher - audio/video stream ripper.
    • Replay A/V - audio/video stream recorder and ripper, Sirius and XM Radio recorder. Supports scheduling.
    • Replay Video Capture - one-click audio/video screen capturing software (allows to record anything from your screen)
    • Replay Music - unique audio recording software that can record any sound produced by your sound card splitting and tagging songs automatically.
    • Replay Telecorder for Skype - Skype recorder that allows to capture Skype phone calls, Skype video chats, Skype conference calls and Skype Voice Mail digitally
    • Video Padlock - software for keeping your videos secure

  • Also I recommend WM Recorder (Shareware/Windows) stream capture software for recording Flash video, Windows Media and Real Video streams.
    WM Recorder is very unique. In the PRO mode it can capture packets coming to your Windows Media Player and Real Player. WM Recorder can record more Windows Media and Real Media streams than any other stream ripping/capturing software available on the market. And its new Loopback recorder allows to download and capture flash video streams (HTTP and RTMP). Besides it can record password-protected streams.

  • Another software that can capture packet coming to your Windows Media Player is freeware WebVideoCap.

  • Freeware rtmpdump (with rtmpsrv and rtmpsuck on Linux, and with RTMPexplorer on Windows), shareware GetFLV and TubeDigger - flash video stream downloaders and recorders allowing to download/capture RTMP and secure RTMPE streams with SWF verification. These programs can download videos from Hulu, Comedy Central, 4OD, MTV, VH1, ITV, Comedy Central, CBS, secure videos from Youtube, ....

  • Other recording software I prefer to use:
    • Replay A/V - primarily to make scheduled recording and downloading from online radio stations (although it support many formats and protocols).
    • StreamRipper to rip Shoutcast/Icecast .MP3, .AAC and .OGG streams (automatical song splitting and tagging supported), Nullsoft .NSV Streaming Video. These streams are sometimes called iTunes radio stations and Winamp TV.
    • HiDownload to record p2p Internet TV programs
    • HiDownload and MovRecorder to record QuickTime streams through the RTSP protocol

    Sometimes I also use VLC, MPlayer and NetTransport.

    It is also worth mentioning Replay Music - unique direct sound recording software that can record any sound produced by your sound card splitting and tagging songs automatically. As you have already noticed, Replay Music is not a video recorder, but it can be purchased as a part of Audio Video Streaming Capture Suite.

    If you prefer to use other software like NetTransport, Rip Tiger, HiDownload, Mass Downloader, Offline Explorer, or any other stream capturing / downloading software please don't hesitate to tell us!

    And please participate in the poll to help others to choose the best stream capturing / downloading software. No matter how experienced you are, your voice it very important for us!
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