I'm having trouble with an rtmp stream.
I got all the parameters using rtmpsrv, but rtmpdump gives me this error, i think it might be due to some kind of redirection:
>rtmpdump -r "rtmp://h2a.rtp.pt/redirectvod" -a "redirectvod" -f "WIN 10,2,152,26" -W "http://www.rtp.pt/script/jw101111/player.swf" -p "http://www.rtp.pt/multimediahtml/progVideo.php?tvprog=26006" -y "mp4:nas2.share/h264/512x384/proscontras/prosecontras_1_20110321.mp4" -o prosecontras_1_20110321.flv -z
DEBUG: RTMP_ClientPacket, received: invoke 234 bytes
DEBUG: (object begin)
DEBUG: Property: <Name: no-name., STRING: _error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: no-name., NUMBER: 1.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: no-name., OBJECT>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: level, STRING: error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: code, STRING: NetConnection.Connect.Rejected>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: description, STRING: Connection failed: Application rejected connection.>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: ex, OBJECT>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: redirect, STRING: rtmp://>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: code, NUMBER: 302.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name: clientid, NUMBER: 1763657927.00>
ERROR: rtmp server sent error
Full debug here:
Help, anyone?