Amazon actually put a bit effort behind the DRM obfuscation in their
Kindle For PC application (K4PC). The Kindle proper and Kindle for iPhone/iPod app both use a single "device" encryption key for all DRMed content. K4PC uses the same encryption algorithms, but ups the ante with a per-book session key for the actual en/decryption. And they seem to have done a reasonable job on the obfuscation. Way to go Amazon! It's good enough that I got bored unwinding it all and just got lazy with the Windows debugging APIs instead.
Download the latest version of unswindle:
I Love Cabbages
Download unswindle v7
Download unswindle v6-rc1
Download unswindle v5
Download unswindle v4
Download unswindle v3
You'll also need a copy of
darkreverser's mobidedrm.
Put those kids together (in the same directory) and run unswindle.pyw. It launches KindleForPC.exe. Pick the book you want to decrypt. Close KindleForPC. Pick your output file. And enjoy the sweet taste of freedom.
Script name in honor of rms and The Right to Read. Don't use this to steal, or I'm taking my toys and going home.
Updates. It came to my attention that unswindle version 1 did not work if KindleForPC was installed as a non-administrator and did not work on versions of Windows other than XP. Version 2 should fix these issues. Version 3 fixes an intermittent path-getting issue. Version 4 fixes an exception related to opening thread handles, detect Topaz format books, and detects that you have the proper version of Kindle For PC installed. Version 5 works with the new (20091222) version of the K4PC executable. Version 6 cleanly handles already DRM-free files.
Update 2009-12-22. Amazon has demonstrated that they (unlike Adobe) take their DRM seriously: they've already pushed out a new version of K4PC which breaks this particular script. As you can clearly see via their SHA-1 hashes:
fd386003520f7af7a15d77fcc2b859dd53e44bc1 KindleForPC-installer-20091217.exe
13a816a3abf7a71e7b6a55228099b03b1dc3789b KindleForPC-installer-20091222.exe
The application doesn't seem to auto-update, so if you can find a copy of the original installer you should be fine. Otherwise you'll have to hang tight. Newest unswindle version detects if you have the wrong K4PC executable installed.
Update 2009-12-22 (2). The K4PC update may not actually have been targeted at unswindle, as Amazon seems to have done nothing in particular to make the basic approach more difficult. In any case, unswindle was updated to handle the 20091222 version of the executable. We'll see if Amazon throws out another new build in short order, and I'll put some more elbow grease into figuring out the PID-generation algorithm.