HiDownload was working just fine. The file below has been downloaded with Hidownload before the problem, now it just WONT download it. It is perfectly downloaded when using another computer! I tried the following without success, always with the same file:
1. Reinstall hidownload
2. Install different version
3. Reinstall realplayer
4. Clean cache, registry etc.
5. Change the HID options (identify as Realplayer etc)
I noticed some things before and after the problem. The GUID is 0000-0000 etc and the Cookie is strange chinese characters after the problem.
Any idea how to fix it? Where from does it get these parameters?
2007-04-27 08:16:34:31 Use RTSP protocol to download
2007-04-27 08:16:34:46 Start connecting host(
2007-04-27 08:16:35:546 Connect host ok(
2007-04-27 08:16:35:546 OPTIONS rtsp://,554,7070 RTSP/1.0
2007-04-27 08:16:35:546 CSeq: 1
2007-04-27 08:16:35:546 User-Agent: RealMedia Player Version (win32)
2007-04-27 08:16:35:546 ClientID: WinNT_5.0_6.0.10.505_RealPlayer_RN9GPD_en_686
2007-04-27 08:16:35:546 Pragma: initiate-session
2007-04-27 08:16:35:718 Error: Disconnect
2007-04-27 08:16:35:718 Connect host fail, Encountered maximum errors, Download stopped
2007-04-27 08:16:35:718 Use HTTP protocol to download
2007-04-27 08:16:35:734 Connect Download object: (
2007-04-27 08:16:35:906 GET /wolfware/ma242/common/media/03/ma242lecture15.rm?cloakport=80,554,7070 HTTP/1.0
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 Accept: */*
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 Referer:
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 Accept-Language: en-US, en, *
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 User-Agent: RMA/1.0 (compatible; RealMedia)
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 Accept-Encoding: gzip
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 Host:
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 Pragma: no-cache
2007-04-27 08:16:35:921 Cookie: ??-???|W
2007-04-27 08:16:36:93 Connect Download object: (
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 GET /wolfware/ma242/common/media/03/ma242lecture15.rm?cloakport=80,554,7070 HTTP/1.0
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 Accept: */*
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 Referer:
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 Accept-Language: en-US, en, *
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 User-Agent: RMA/1.0 (compatible; RealMedia)
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 Accept-Encoding: gzip
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 Host:
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 Pragma: no-cache
2007-04-27 08:16:36:296 Cookie: ??-??-@
2007-04-27 08:16:36:468 Connect Download object: (
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 GET /wolfware/ma242/common/media/03/ma242lecture15.rm?cloakport=80,554,7070 HTTP/1.0
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 Accept: */*
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 Referer:
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 Accept-Language: en-US, en, *
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 User-Agent: RMA/1.0 (compatible; RealMedia)
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 Accept-Encoding: gzip
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 Host:
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 Pragma: no-cache
2007-04-27 08:16:36:671 Cookie: ‘|
2007-04-27 08:16:36:859 Connect Download object: (