When I can't download flvs with Orbit I use
RMTPdump and I never have problems - until a Brightcove player comes around!
Here is a example:
These are the commands I am trying after looking on this forum:
rtmpdump -n "brightcove-81.fcod.llnwd.net" -c 1935 -l 0 -a "/a500/d12?videoId=640645153001&lineUpId=207603118001&pub Id=108289241001&playerId=260808660001&playerTag=&a ffiliateId=" -p "http://www.dallasnews.com/video/index.html?bcid=640645153001" -y "media/108289241001/108289241001_640661188001_101810-5668A-flay-nh-brightcove720p.mp4?videoId=640645153001&lineUpId=2 07603118001&pubId=108289241001&playerId=2608086600 01&playerTag=&affiliateId=" -s "http://admin.brightcove.com/viewer/us1. FFF&dynamicStreaming=true&flashID=myExperience&hei ght=270&isVid=true&playerID=260808660001&publisher ID=108289241001&width=400&wmode=opaque" -o "c:\xx.flv"
I have tried this in version 1.9 and 2.3 - neither work. Can anyone shine some light on what the correct parameters are? I don't want to use another program, I would like to figure out how to correctly use RTMPdump
UPDATE: I tried stream transport and was able to download it but I would still like to know how to use RTMPdump