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Old 10-12-2010, 06:36 PM
videostreamnoob videostreamnoob is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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How to stream movies from home to office (Video Streaming for Dummies)

I consider my technical skills advanced. I know computers inside and out. I am just getting into the streaming realm so, for that, I consider myself a noob.

I have a vast collection of movies that I would like to be able to stream from my home to my office. I have already figured out how to stream audio...that was relatively easy. I figured the transition from audio to video would be seamless, think again. Here are the facts:

- My main computer is a beast. i7 processor, 4GBs DDR3 memory, Windows 7 Ultimate, over 6.5TBs of total hard drive space

- My home internet connection is a constant 25/25

- My work internet connection is a T3 line

- I do not have a web server (and would prefer not to set one up if at all possible)

- All of my movies are copied from my own collection, no copyright infringement here

- I will not be offering this to others. This will only be for my enjoyment.

I was able to stream audio by using a third party application and port forwarding my router. Again, pretty simple once I started. My ultimate goal would be to find an application that would allow me to stream video in the same manner. If that is not possible, I would like some kind soul to walk me through the steps I would need to complete in order to stream from my home to my office.

Again, I am new to this so please be patient with me. If there is a step-by-step tutorial available, that would be perfect. Short of that, any detailed information you could provide would be much appreciated.
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