I cannot figure out how to locate the correct PID of my
Kindle K3. The serials of K3's differ from other versions of the Kindle in that they start with a B006. I have attempted these methods.
- Igor Skochinsky's old school kindlepid.py which simply outputs "unrecognized serial number. Please recheck input."
- kindletools.prestonlee.com which outputs "Type: Unknown Kindle model. Please report!" and provides a PID which does not seem to work
- The .net based Kindle MobiPocket Converter, PID function. This tool outputs the same PID as the restonlee.com one.
While the last two tools produce the same PID they do not seem to work with MobiDeDRM (v.13) which outputs "Error: no key found. maybe the PID is incorrect".
In addition needing the PID I would also like to know what a good way to test the validity of a PID generated from a serial number. Does anyone have a good method for this?
I know there are methods to decrypt books via
K4PC but thats not my only objective I have for wanting the PID of my kindle. Any help would be greatly valued!!!