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Old 09-17-2010, 03:50 PM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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rtmpdump and BBC iPlayer for Radio - Live Stream

Although I've been able to use RTMPSRV.EXE and the BBC's own Media Selector page (supplied on their website for every iPlayer radio or tv show) to successfully identify the command strings needed to download 'Listen Again' files (i.e. on-demand streams), I've had less success with their Listen Live links.

For example, their old time radio station (which broadcasts their Archive radio shows from the 1930s to the 1990s) is BBC Radio 7. It has a Media Selector page here:

Despite a great deal of trying, I've been unable to persuade RTMPSRV.EXE to capture any information about this live stream (it uses ordinary RTMP, not tunnelled nor encrypted). RTMPSRV does very well on the BBC's Limelight servers (for on-demand streams), but it can't cope with their Akamai servers (for live streams).

This may be a drawback of using RTMPSRV v2.1d on Windows 98; but I've had excellent results with this version of RTMPDUMP, and this version of RTMPSRV works fine on the Limelight streams. So go figure!

This is by way of being a plea for help. :)

I'd be very grateful if someone would take a quick look at the BBC Radio 7 live stream link at -

and see if they can possibly persuade some other version of RTMPSRV (or get_iplayer, or orbit downloader, etc) to capture the necessary Command string to download it, and post their results here.

I'm pretty sure that all the details needed to do the download will be found also in the Media Selector page. Once I know the format being used by the server, from a single example, I should be able to construct a Command string by hand from the Media Selector page thereafter (to cope with the elements that change with each session).

Many thanks.
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