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Old 09-08-2010, 02:16 PM
Plazmatic Plazmatic is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 2
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Improving adult VOD streams, please read

Thanks for reading this! I'm desperate to hear from ANYONE who can actually watch 1Mbps or higher adult video on demand streams without choppy stuttering pauses!!! If you can watch them smoothly, I just want to know your setup so I know how to fix mine! This is EXTREMELY frustrating.

I have a decent cable connection, about 15 Mbps, and a hard-wired desktop. I also have two laptops (one is brand freakin new), and I can connect either with a wireless router and get the same 15 Mbps. I usually just watch VOD from one site, and from this site (which I'm happy to share with you if you want), I can smoothly watch their "high" quality video, about 750 Kbps. But this quality actually sucks, so I try for the "Ultra" quality (1 Mbps). Can't do it! The video is constantly buffering, stopping, to the point where it's a bitch to watch. The site also has a "Mega" quality (2 Mbps), but of course, this is impossible.

I've tried the following from the website's suggestions: tried three different players WM, Silverlight and the website's own "classic" player; tried night versus day; tried shutting down all other bandwidth users in the house (PS3, other computers, etc), all levels on video acceleration (including 'none'), disabling firewall, disabling anti-virus (yeah, i was so angry, i reluctantly gave this a try---still didn't work); changed WM settings, changed internet connection settings. Nothing works.

Another site Ive just been introduced to claims to provide streaming speeds of 4 Mbps. I experimented a bit with this site, and again, I cannot watch any of their high-def. WHO THE HELL CAN WATCH THIS STUFF?!? Please let me know, What the hell do I need to buy or upgrade in order to watch these streaming higher-quality streams? Otherwise, pleeease tell me if you have a particular VOD site you don't have problems with watching high-quality streams.

Thank you sooooo much for your reply. I'll be happy to divulge the website's name and my ISP if you want, but I hesitate to list them on this public forum.

Last edited by Plazmatic : 09-08-2010 at 03:47 PM.
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