I'm glad that there is a forum like this because I tried to record files from a Real Media stream and I couldn't figure out how to do it myself
Well the case is I joined the site ... ( yeah I know it's a porn site)
And you can stream the movies on the most or real media and some are flash movies. I used to download the movies on that site by using Cocsoft but for some reason that doesn't work anymore. I tried to insert sereval URL's but taht didn't work either. I also tried to use different programs but without any luck.
So what I wanted to ask if someone had a idea how I should do this. It would mean a lot to me
The flash player is on the site itself and I don't think that you can get a link on that one, the realplayer is also on the site itself but you can choose to play the video in your own realplayer.
So what I wanted to suggest is if you are confident that you can help me with this pronlem that I can give you my login so that you could figure out how to download from this site... if that wouldn't be too much trouble.
I'm sure that a lot of you are pro's on this so if you think you can do it I'll PM my login to you and I hope that you can figure out how to do this. And only reply by the way if you are serious about finding out how to make this work
Thx a lot for you help