How can I save / record / capture an audio stream from ?
I tried to view the source of the page
HTML Code:
<script language="JavaScript" src="/UserFiles/audio/audio-player.js"></script>
<object id="audioplayer1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="24" width="290" data="/UserFiles/audio/player.swf">
<param value="/UserFiles/audio/player.swf" name="movie" />
<param value="playerID=1&autostart=yes&soundFile=/UserFiles/audio/kwpc_interview.mp3" name="FlashVars" />
<param value="high" name="quality" />
<param value="false" name="menu" />
<param value="transparent" name="wmode" /></object>
but still can't find out how to get the MP3 URL to download the audio stream.