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Old 06-23-2010, 03:05 PM
tacofish tacofish is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Why can't my computer capture FLV files from properly?

Well I've conquered being able to download from, with special recorders that catch rtmp packets rather than downloading from their url.

But I have another problem now. I've used 5 recorders: BitRecorder, FLVDownloader, FLV Recorder, Flash Stream Hunter, and Jaksta. They all give me the exact same issue. Jaksta gives a different problem, but it's related. If it captures an FLV even for a short amount of time, the frame rate is messed up.

Jaksta supposedly handles FLV files well so I really have to have some problem if even it will falter!

For all else, if I capture a stream for longer than 15 minutes, the frame rate goes nuts. At the beginning until about halfway in the recording, the framerate is something like 2 or 11. Some players will skip ahead to the middle of the recording, and if I seek it to the beginning, the picture will appear frozen although the audio will play.

I've used FLV "fixers" that inject metadata. Nothing. I've also tried Any Media Fixer, which did nothing.

I tried using FLV Extract and Yamb to remux it. While the file became about the right duration I recorded it, the fps is still off and I can't figure out the correct one. Even the one listed in FLV Extract and mediainfo is wrong.

AviDemux will crash even if I load a "fixed" FLV file.

Does anyone know why this might happen? I think it is a WinPcap problerm but I wouldnt know how to fix it.


Last edited by tacofish : 06-23-2010 at 08:31 PM.
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