I've some questions for you, i have rtsp and mms links to a video from mtv overdrive, but i have some problems. I use
HiDownload . I've past a first time the link it worked, 25%... and my computer crashed, i reebooted it , and now when i retrie to download it it does'nt work anymore?!?
Is it a authorization problem? how can i find a new auth number?
thanks for your Help!
the links :
rtsp://a300.v21595b.c21595.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/300/21595/v001/mtviestor.download.akamai.com/8619/_!/intlod/gb/music/general/AB17530_kellyjones_suzy_pt1of5_OD.wmv?auth=caEakdv dfdratdob4dudFcIcCanc2dWbtdc-bf0o2P-dHa-vFFzsF%26aifp=v1,12,@
mms://a300.v21595b.c21595.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/300/21595/v001/mtviestor.download.akamai.com/8619/_!/intlod/gb/music/general/AB17530_kellyjones_suzy_pt1of5_OD.wmv?auth=caEakdv dfdratdob4dudFcIcCanc2dWbtdc-bf0o2P-dHa-vFFzsF%26aifp=v1
edit: wrong thread part, can a mod move my topic! thanks